$1,500 Scholarships

Each year, the Lindsborg Arts Council awards two $1,500 scholarships to Smoky Valley area graduating seniors who show great promise in an artistic field and plan to pursue the arts their first semester of their freshman year.


Recipients are required to enroll and complete an arts-related course during their first college semester and report back to the Lindsborg Arts Council regarding their college experience.


USD 400, Smoky Valley Virtual Charter School, and homeschool graduating seniors living within USD 400 district boundaries are encouraged to apply.


The 2025 deadline is Saturday, March 1st.

Application FAQs

DEADLINE: Saturday, March 1st, 2025

An application packet must include both a completed scholarship application and two letters of recommendation.

Each student should be prepared to present a 5-10 minute presentation, followed by a short interview.

– Performing a contest-level piece

– Presenting a portfolio

– Performing a theatrical selection

You may deliver your application packet to either:


Ms. Lana Charvat
Smoky Valley High School
Attn: Lindsborg Arts Council Scholarship
1 Viking Blvd.
Lindsborg, KS 67456




The Lindsborg Arts Council
PO Box 53
Lindsborg, Kansas  67456

MEET previous

Know of a previous scholarship winner not included here? Get in contact with us!